AmigaOS3.5 (219/967)

From:Clint Watterson
Date:5 May 2000 at 17:34:34
Subject:Re: Using 20gig Quantum (was: max transfer)

> From: Robert =?iso-8859-1?Q?Gna=DF?= <>
> Hi Alex!...
> On 14-M�r-00, you wrote somethin' like this: ...
> A> Can anyone on the list tell us which IDE HDD, especially larger than 4G/8G,
> A> works fine with the updated scsi.device from the OS3.5 ROM update?
> I don't use this ROM Update, but my 20gigs Quantum Fireball, which I bought
> yesterday, works just fine. (1 partition)
> Regs. Rob.
> bye...
> --
> I have a dirty mind, I mud wrestle with my conscience.
> .-oOo----------- --------- ----- ---- -- -- -
> ! Robert Gnass, Berlin/Germany ..
> ! e-mAiL: - ICQ: 48033398 ..
> ! aMiGa12oo/o4o/5omHz/2+16mB/4.5gIGS/8xcD/eLSA 56k ..
> `------------ ------------ ----- --- --- --- - - -

Hi, I know this was posted a long time ago but I have been thinking of
bying this HD (Quantum Fireball LCT 10 HDD 20.4GB Ultra ATA/66) and
was wondering if this worked on the 1200's IDE port or if I needed a
powerflyer gold. Also with all the harddrive talk on the list at the
moment does this drive sufer from the same probs eg. filling the last
partition damages the first one.

Thanx for any help,


ICQ #5493399
Commodore Amiga 1200T, 68060/66MHz, 16 MB Fast, 2MB Chip. 24x CD-ROM,
Dynalink V.90 modem + HyperCom 3 ports.
Wishing it was Amiga 1200T, Blizzard G4 400MHz + CyberVisionNG
graphics card!